3 Kasım 2009

How I Met Your Mother 5x05 | Barney'nin Kanada Esprileri

Barney, bardakilere hitaben:

Barney: Social Expriment ! USA, USA, USA (Tüm bar tezahürata katılır)

Robin: Okay, okay. You know what, What does that even prove, okay? You chant anything, people will join in. Canada, Canada, Can... (Kimse katılmaz) Okay, they won't chant anything.

Barney: Shrimp fried rice, Shrimp fried rice, Shrimp fried rice... (Herkes katılır)


Robin bir Kanada barında karıştığı kavga sonucu ABD vatandaşlığına geçmezse sınır dışı edilmekle karşı karşıya kalmıştır ve vatandaşlık testine girecektir.

Barney: But you know, it's not going to be easy, this test. It's not like the Canadian citizenship test.

Robin: How do you know the Canadian test is easy?

Barney: It's Canada. Question one: Do you want to be Canadian? Question two: Really?


Kanada'da bir kahve dükkanında ayağa kalkarak:

Barney: Attention, Canada! I am Barney from America. And I'm here to fix your backward-ass country. Number one: get real money. Don't know what board game this came from, but it's a "jhoke." Number two and this is the biggie. Quit letting awesome chicks like Robin Scherbatsky get away because, guess what? You don't want her? I'm planting my flag in her if you know what I mean, which you probably don't, and getting her the hell out of here. You may now return to being pointless.

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